FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Depth Of Field proudly presents “Comics And Pop Music!” at San Diego Comic-Con, July 26th at 7pm this hour-long program brings together comic creators and musical innovators to discuss their work combining the worlds of music and…
Tag: comic conventions
Hip-Hop & Comics: Cultures Combining at C2E2 2014 (photos and audio)
On Saturday, April 26th, I had the pleasure of speaking with an incredible group of panelists onstage in Chicago, as Depth Of Field presented the “Hip-Hop & Comics: Cultures Combining” panel at C2E2 (the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo). This…
Hip-Hop & Comics: Cultures Combining at Emerald City Comicon and WonderCon Anaheim (recaps and audio)
The last month has been a frenzied and funky whirlwind, as I’ve been largely on the road presenting more of our “Hip-Hop & Comics: Cultures Combining” panels around the country. At Seattle’s Emerald City Comicon on March 28th, I was…
Depth Of Field Presents Hip-Hop & Comics: Cultures Combining at C2E2 2014!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “Hip-Hop And Comics: Cultures Combining” panel presentation at C2E2, April 26, 5:30pm. Fresh from acclaimed programs in Seattle and Anaheim, Depth Of Field Magazine brings together Chicago-based luminaries and nationally-recognized creators to discuss the common bonds and…
Depth Of Field Presents Comics & Pop Music at C2E2 2014!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “Comics & Pop Music” panel presentation at C2E2, April 26, 4:15pm. Depth Of Field Magazine brings together comic creators and industry professionals to discuss their work combining the worlds of music and comic books On Saturday, April…
Depth Of Field Presents Hip-Hop & Comics: Cultures Combining At WonderCon Anaheim 2014!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “Hip-Hop And Comics: Cultures Combining” panel presentation at WonderCon Anaheim, April 19, 7pm. Depth Of Field Magazine brings together renowned comic creators and Hip-Hop luminaries to discuss ties between the two forms, upcoming projects, and shared inspirations…
Depth Of Field presents Hip-Hop & Comics: Cultures Combining at San Diego Comic-Con!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “Hip-Hop And Comics: Cultures Combining” panel presentation at Comic-Con International: San Diego on July 20th at 7pm. Depth Of Field Magazine brings together renowned comic creators and Hip-Hop luminaries to discuss ties between the two forms, upcoming…
Depth Of Field presents Hip-Hop & Comics and The Fifth Beatle programs at HeroesCon!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Depth Of Field Magazine presents “Hip-Hop And Comics: Cultures Combining” and “Comics of The Fab Four: The Fifth Beatle and beyond” panels at HeroesCon 2013. Creators and historians discuss Pop Music and Hip-Hop’s intersections with comic book…
Depth Of Field presents “Hip-Hop & Comics: Cultures Combining” at Philadelphia Comic Con!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “Hip-Hop And Comics: Cultures Combining” panel presentation at Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con, Saturday June 1st. Depth Of Field Magazine brings together renowned comic creators and Hip-Hop luminaries to discuss the shared history and inspirations of the…
C2E2 2013: The weekend in words and photos.
After the wonderful time we had at C2E2 in 2012, it was never in doubt that we’d return to Chicago this year for another round of multi-media excitement (and delicious deep-dish pizza). We looked at art, attended programming, presented a…